A Boy and His Dog
Rastmus Edger came into my life on November 15th, 2019. I went up to the Humane Society after work after seeing him on their webpage, and unlike the first dog I’d found there, Rast came right to me…his tail slapping against the back of my legs as he gave me that big ol’ goofy grin. I got to sit and play with him for a bit — and dammit — I fell in love with him right then and there.
I couldn’t take him home that night, but before I left, I had a deposit on him.
Now, here’s the thing…Rast was and has been a gift. First off, my Marine sister Gina W. called me one evening and said “Brother, you need a dog.” She told me that she’d also pay the fees for him.
See, here’s the thing — I have a hard time accepting gifts and help of this sort. Not because of the responsibility of bringing in a hound and taking care of him and such, no, but because I was taught that we do for ourselves and only accept help as a final resort. And really, it wasn’t a last resort, but more of a kick to the pants to get me going. I took the hint.
I went back on Friday to pick him up. At the HS, they were calling him Scooby, and there is no way in HELL he would be keeping that name. No. Way. In. Hell!
Anyway…he and I took a ride around town before I brought him home. And since that day, we’ve been together.
Rast is a goof ball. He’s a lover who enjoys meeting new people. And right now, he’s lying next to me snoring and farting. This blog will be dedicated to telling stories about my ginger goon who makes me laugh even when he frustrates the hell outta me. I do love my boy.